Investment Archetypes

Traverse Holdings unique capital allows flexibility in our investments

Sell without the hassle

Ready to sell and hand over the keys? We can buy companies with up to $2M in earnings without using leverage, allowing for a smooth and painless sale process. We have also built a wide network of capital providers to complete larger acquisitions. We are happy to step in to run the company or be silent owners.

Try-then-buy succession

We can build from minority positions in companies to allow time for you to get comfortable and teach us how you operate. One day, when you’re ready, we can buy you out and you can sleep peacefully knowing your legacy is in trusted hands.

Build together

Have a great idea or plan and are looking for a partner? We are able to seed founders to begin building their dreams and will roll up our sleeves and join the team.

Industries of interest

  • Business Services

  • Software and technology

  • Aerospace and defense

  • Outdoors (in particular, fishing)

  • Food and food ingredients

  • Manufacturing

  • Human health or life sciences

  • Agriculture

  • Real Estate